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On March 23, Candice underwent successful surgery on her re-broken clavicle. As a young woman struggling in the fast-track world of L. The Playboy spread was not the first time Candice posed nude nor for the Playboy organization for that matter. Afterwards, Victoria tried to clothesline Candice, but she ducked out of the way, allowing Stratus to perform a Stratusfaction for the victory. At the event, Candice defeated the villainous Lisa Marie Varon in singles action. On June 19, , she was released from her contract with WWE.
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Candice Michelle - Wikipedia

So to come out here from the Midwest and be on the cover of Playboy is so surreal and very rewarding! Fortunately, WWE officials saw something they liked in her and offered her a contract. James entered the match without being tagged in, so Candice threw her out of the ring. She returned to in-ring action on March 17, teaming up with Maria to defeat Jillian Hall and Victoria. On March 23, Candice underwent successful surgery on her re-broken clavicle.
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Candice Michelle

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Description: At the event, Candice defeated the villainous Lisa Marie Varon in singles action. On June 19, , she was released from her contract with WWE. While she enjoyed the attention she was garnering, Michelle realized she was beginning to be regarded simply as eye candy. During the NFC playoffs, she was featured cleaning windows.

Views: 3637 Date: 23.12.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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