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Thanks to copious amounts of alcohol, I've gotten about as far with another girl as a stereotypical college student, but the abuse still haunts me. And your wife consented to that threesome only after you agreed not to stick your penis in the other woman's vagina. I found a guy in a city we're visiting in three weeks. And though I was a bit slow telling him, just because it's so fucking hard to talk about, he knows that ever since I realized I was attracted to other women, I've felt like a guilty pervert. DO NOT be a stupid motherfucker. But I would urge you to prioritize therapy over, say, a third and fourth round of drinks. That's a fairly common ground rule for first-time threesomes, and you agreed to honor that ground rule.
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Views: 3780 Date: 20.08.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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