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It could happen to anyone. Whittington was reported to be in stable condition at Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital and had been moved from intensive care to a "step-down unit" on Monday. On his first show after the incident, Stephen Colbert , host of The Colbert Report , confessed to having been involved in a hunting accident of his own over the weekend, then proceeded to show an edited version of Brit Hume 's interview with Dick Cheney, featuring Colbert in place of Cheney. Under a law passed last yea r, President Barack Obama and representatives for Bush and Cheney have 60 business days to assert any executive privilege objections they may have to the planned disclosures. The Secret Service is reported to have said that they gave notice to the Sheriff about 1 hour after the shooting, which would put the time of the shooting at approximately 4: The incident has been parodied three times in the comedy Family Guy: He said that Cheney characterized the incident as a "hunting accident".
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Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter in Mishap on a Texas Ranch

Armstrong blamed Whittington for blundering into Cheney's line of fire , a comment that White House spokesman Scott McClellan repeated later that day. Whittington, treating his wounds and covering him in blankets so he would not go into shock, Ms. Ralph Blumenthal contributed reporting from Houston for this article. February 15, , Wednesday A front-page article on Monday about the hunting accident in which Vice President Dick Cheney shot Harry Whittington, a prominent Texas lawyer, misstated the distance between them in some copies. Cheney's medical attendants helped Mr. McBride said, "We deferred to the Armstrongs regarding what had taken place at their ranch. Whittington is fine," Ms.
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney in another hunting accident - NY Daily News

When he was released a week later, a battered and exhausted Whittington did the apologizing: Whittington sweeps a hand up to his dusky face and points near his right eye, then to the right side of his forehead. Whittington was "sprayed -- peppered, is what we call it -- on his right side, on part of his face, neck, shoulder and rib cage," she said, noting that she, too, had been sprayed on her leg in a hunting accident. In a TV interview on Fox News back in Washington, he took responsibility for the shooting "Ultimately, I am the guy who pulled the trigger.
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney in another hunting accident

Accident cheney dick shooting

Description: Cheney was shooting a gauge shotgun and added that guests typically bring their own firearms. At 82, Whittington knows he will live the rest of his days with about 30 pieces of shot inside him. The shooter was Dick Cheney , the vice president of the United States. If you look closely -- and strangers occasionally sidle up to him to do just that -- the accident's remnants are evident; there's a tiny bump in each spot.

Views: 2298 Date: 20.08.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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