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Newer Post Older Post Home. Supposedly, at a Spring Break venture, Cameran gave the crowd a little peak, that she might be regretting right about now. Must be 18 and over to click. Wednesday, July 14, Cameran shows up naked on the internet and joins legions of other castmembers who have posed naked. The alleged photo of Cameran is a shot taken from a far distance, which questions the credibility of the photo. Thanks for your support! Posted by Real World at
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Dunbar tells Parisa he's happy she evicted Trisha, whom he did not like. At one point they get into a heated exchange of insults and profanities. Posted by Real World at 7: KellyAnne predicts Parisa's remaining time in the house will be unpleasant if she sends Trisha home. He and Trisha then argue, and Dunbar storms out. Dunbar, incredulous that Parisa doesn't see that he isn't interested in her, tells her he will not respond to her letter until she shows herself capable of the relationship he'd like to have with her. She later gets into a heated argument with Parisa, accusing her of cooking for the others and not her in order to curry favor with them.
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Has Shavon Kirksey ever been nude?

Shauvon claims that even though Trisha has a boyfriend, she has dibs on Alex. Trisha flirts with Cohutta, angering KellyAnne, but Shauvon is surprised by this. The housemates go to a nightclub, where Isaac and Shauvon flirt, and KellyAnne gets drunk. When Parisa confronts Dunbar, he says it is Trisha who criticized Parisa and her singing.
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What ever happened to Trisha and Shavon from The Real World Sydney?

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Description: Ashli is enraged when Dunbar boasts to others that she performed oral sex on him twice. KellyAnne insists that she did. The Ruins , which aired December 16, , Wes and KellyAnne revealed that they were no longer together, but were attempting to resolve the status of their relationship. The cast enjoys a group dip in the hot tub. Shauvon's replacement, Ashli, moves in.

Views: 4041 Date: 31.07.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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