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Trailing Szabo after uneven bars and balance beam by 0. Olympic Team, An ardent Christian conservative , she was an outspoken supporter of the Reagan Administration in the United States. She attended Fairmont Senior High School , but did not graduate. For her performance, she was named Sports Illustrated magazine's " Sportswoman of the Year ". She had sat down to sign autographs when she felt her knee lock, forcing her to undergo an operation five weeks prior to the Summer Olympics. She appeared in a variety of televised ads supporting Ronald Reagan.
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Mary Lou Retton

Retton was born with hip dysplasia and later had hip replacement surgery. She also won two silver and two bronze medals in individual and team competitions. Silver Medal, Team Competition, Olympics: After experiencing increased pain she had hip replacement surgery on her left hip in her mids. American female gymnast Mary Lou Retton became famous as the all-around gold medal winner in women's gymnastics at the Olympics in Los Angeles. The West Virginia native retired in after taking home her third American Cup title. Medical conditions[ edit ] She was born with hip dysplasia , a condition aggravated by her years as a competitive gymnast.
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She is the mother of four girls. In addition to her gold medal, she also collected silver and bronze medals in the team competition, the horse vault, the floor exercise and the uneven bars. At the same Olympics, Retton won four additional medals: This move and many others like it are no longer in the Code of Points due to old-style "belly beat" moves no longer being used in bars competition. Although she missed the World Championships that year because of a wrist injury, the year-old girl won the prestigious Chunichi Cup in Japan in
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Description: Her father, Ronnie, ran a coal-industry transportation equipment business. Gymnastics Federation American Classic: Her biggest break, however, arrived when she participated in the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. She also became the first spokeswoman for Wheaties cereal.

Views: 2507 Date: 20.11.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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