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The Birth of Sean Preston. This is not meant to be political. I wouldn't march with either pro-life or pro-choice advocates. Spears did not pose for the sculpture and is yet to comment on the subject. A press release by the Capla Kesting Fine Art gallery in Brooklyn, which will display the sculpture next month, described the sculpture as showing Spears tugging on the ears of a bearskin rug "with water-retentive hands". Some people are upset that Britney is being used for this subject matter," gallery co-owner David Kesting told AP. And some pro-choice people were upset that this is a pro-life monument.
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Hottest Hollywood Moms Who Posed Nude While Pregnant — SEE PICS

Below, take a look at 18 of our favorite celebrity moms who have posed pregnant on a magazine cover. Christina Aguilera In Marie Claire 4 of 18 Christina Aguilera confirmed her first pregnancy by posing nude on the January cover of Marie Claire magazine with a big baby bump. She was pregnant with her second son Jayden James. Demi Moore started the trend back in , and now, two decades later, we have been graced with many pregnant celebrities on the covers of our favorite magazines. Britney Spears has posed twice, Christina Aguilera used a magazine cover to announce her pregnancy, and Lisa Rinna even posed pregnant in Playboy! Click here for additional information.
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18 Pregnant Celebrity Cover Girls (Photos)

Below, take a look at 18 of our favorite celebrity moms who have posed pregnant on a magazine cover. Content provided on this site is for entertainment or informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or health, safety, legal or financial advice. Click here for additional information. Which look do you prefer?
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Britney Spears Nude Photos Finally Revealed…Yes. Really. (PICS)

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Description: Click here for additional information. Below, take a look at 18 of our favorite celebrity moms who have posed pregnant on a magazine cover. Christina Aguilera In Marie Claire 4 of 18 Christina Aguilera confirmed her first pregnancy by posing nude on the January cover of Marie Claire magazine with a big baby bump. Content provided on this site is for entertainment or informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or health, safety, legal or financial advice. Demi Moore started the trend back in , and now, two decades later, we have been graced with many pregnant celebrities on the covers of our favorite magazines.

Views: 3887 Date: 27.11.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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