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On 2ch, Kuma was often depicted in images sleeping with children, and this was promptly exploited on 4chan to create the Pedobear persona. It also issued a bulletin: The poster was left displayed to the public for some time. It contained a series of dance moves and background music, with the mascot branded as "Cuddle Bear". The game was later removed. While not an absolute, the image of PedoBear should be a sign that you should use caution with whatever situation you are in or the individuals involved. Although initially appearing as a single line:
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Sebastian Moreno Coronel creates expressionistic male nudes in different settings. Over the past 20 years Douglas Simonson has built a global following for his striking interpretations of the male nude. Curry Mendes spent years mastering software tools to generate ideas that would end up on canvas. Represented with originals, prints, portfolios and drawing sets. This is no place for children or bigots. Palanca is a classic example of an artist with a fetish FEET!
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Sculptural, classic and sometimes sexy male nude photography by Dylan Ricci. Martin of Holland presents a collection of unusual and often disturbing gay art. Japanese erotica with plenty of beautifully drawn muscles, bondage and tattoos. For men only, Mirko: Information about his original editioned silver gelatin prints, bio, commissions and exhibitions.
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Description: Most of the emphasis is on the male form and male iconography either in stereotypical roles and settings or in fantasy creations resembling classic comic book ideas. Brent Douglas Marr erotic male art and commisions in graphite. Born and schooled in Japan, Minoru 's unique style shows in all his work -- from his erotic pieces to his non-erotic fine art. Mitchell tags his work as 'Putting Men in Their Place' and many of his drawings explore bondage, humiliation, spanking and sometimes even darker themes. A gay art gallery providing a selection of erotic nude male art works by Dan Saba.

Views: 5622 Date: 28.08.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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