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I think also another lesson I learned is to make sure that she is really turned on and willing when you both take that journey I gasped again at the electricity that seemed to have built up in my cock. My well lubed bunghole was an inch from the head of my 9. I rode him like a pro as he fucked me feverishly, and I could begin to feel my legs going numb from the punishment. I hit play again to make sure I wasn't missing something important. My girlfriend often complains when we try to have anal sex that it really hurts, like she hits a wall and can't go any farther.
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I sat down and started watching the film, stroking myself through my shorts. I think I lasted about 30 seconds before I had a massive orgasm and shot what seemed like a litre of cum up my chest and on to my own face! I pushed my bum back to encourage him to fuck me. I pulled forward and pushed back again and felt the same thing pushing against me. I thought it was Kenny's finger but realised with a start that it was his cock! No sofa, just two reclining leather chairs in front of the TV and some beanbags for visitors. I realised he had an erection that was very visible as he was wearing a pair of thin shorts in deference to the hot weather.
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A shudder went through his body and down his legs as I began rubbing his anus with the vibrating tip of the toy lubricating him and letting him get used to the buzzing. We've talked about everything else over the years but never specifics about sex," Kenny shrugged getting a couple of beers from the fridge. Why do you think I've ended up walking home with half an erection? Next time I let her shove the butt plug in me and she rode me with it inside me. Kenny pulled it away from himself slightly and I tentatively rubbed the lube over the end of the vibrator.
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Dildo anal sex men stories

Description: Again he shrugged and smiled at me. After a couple of minutes I felt myself building up to cum and whispered a warning to her. He'd removed his t-shirt, probably because it was very warm in the living room now the evening sun was streaming in the windows. Kenny saw me looking and just shrugged at me.

Views: 4346 Date: 07.09.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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