Free picture of sperm whale

Sperm whale off Sri Lanka. Fishing trawler and sperm whale Computer generated 3D illustration. Transparent Black and white. Contact your dedicated Account Manager. Choose a plan 2. AWESOME - A diver encounters two Humpback whales in the ocean. Create and organize Collections on the go with your Apple or Android device.
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Photo Gallery: Whales

Sperm Whale showing its flukes as it dives, New Zealand. As a species, the sperm whale is not facing immediate threat, but some populations need to be carefully monitored, and there is need for tight management of any exploitation 1. Sperm whale threats The sperm whale has a long history of commercial exploitation 1. Science has dubbed this leviathan Physeter macrocephalus, meaning "big head". Delicate but Deadly Jellyfish. On the menu that pops up, select SET AS WALLPAPER or SET AS BACKGROUND.
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Sperm Whale

Free picture of sperm whale

Description: About the Sperm Whale Sperm whales are easily recognized by their massive heads and prominent rounded foreheads. Sperm whale in Atlantic ocean. Please select a test to run. Science has dubbed this leviathan Physeter macrocephalus, meaning "big head".

Views: 4706 Date: 05.06.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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